
Fat Loss Workout - Full Body Workout to Lose Weight

If you are strapped for time and still want to melt off excess fat then your best option is bodyweight workouts. I like them because you can do it in the privacy of your home. There's no need for excessive tools or equipments or a specific gear.
From my experience I've found that there are few exercises that work far better than others when it comes to losing fat. Today, here I am going to share 3 of those and an example of what you can do with them.
My goal with these 3 exercise is very simple. I want full body workout where you'll lose fat, build endurance and stamina and improve your cardiovascular condition.
1. Bodyweight Squat - Specially Hindu Squats. In India, traditional wrestlers do them daily for about thousand reps. And they condition your body like nothing else can. After doing it for couple of weeks, you'll find your tendons, joints and other muscles have become stronger. Your sense of balance have also improved and you are getting thinner day by day.
That's how effective they are. Normal people like you and me can just use them and see tremendous results.
2. Push Up - Again I am talking about Hindu pushups. And like Hindu squats they also originated from India. They work on your complete upper body. Multiple reps in a day will make you stronger.
3. Lunge - This is simple lunge exercise which is another leg (lower body) exercise. When you do them after the above 2 you'll have to work hard to find a balance doing them. Again, people who can't do many squats end up complimenting with lunges as they are little easier.
If you take these three exercises and do many reps without stopping, you'll build cardio. If you take rest in between your sets, you'll build strength. If you make your own routine which includes Interval training based on the above 3 then you'll get both of the above results. Like I said, they are the BEST exercises for losing fat.
The trick in using those 3 is in the reps. If you add interval and intensity to them, they become a deadly fat burn combination. I gave my brother a workout which helped him lose 4.2 inches off his waist in 28 days.

Fat Loss Body Weight Exercises Provide Flexibility

Body weight exercises are a fun and challenging way to get a killer fat loss workout. Many folks head to the gym to get a workout in but body weight exercises free you from the chains of crowded gyms. These resistance fat loss movements promote muscular growth and endurance yet when coupled in a circuit pattern, it can provide a high intensity fat burn.
Multi joint resistance movements like the squat, lunge or push up are examples of body weight exercises. This eliminates the excuse of no time and are a busy person's best friend for sure. Because of the flexibility of body weight movements they can be done in the office, in the bedroom, at the park, well basically anywhere a little space is present.
Here is a quick example workout that you can use to get started.
Squats 10 reps
Push Ups 10 reps
Forward Lunge 10 reps
Plank:30 seconds to start
Plan a workout schedule where you can perform this workout three times a week with a sound cardio program in between. Always allow plenty of time to recover from the workout. It is never advised to do on back to back days. Remember to start with a warm up and flexibility program and do not forget a cool down and post workout stretch.
To ensure your results, make sure you are eating the right way. Always seek the advice from a professional when seeking a nutrition program.
Start your body weight fat loss program today. Good luck!

Are You Making These Fat Loss Workout Mistakes?

Why are more and more people having success at losing weight and keeping it off forever? The simple answer is because they have learnt the basic steps to losing weight and made them part of their daily life. So why (with all the information out there on losing weight) are 90% of dieters still failing?
The answer is actually very simple. We need to educate people correctly about their fat loss workout.
A lot of people make very basic mistakes when trying to lose weight. Read through the following and see if you are making any of them and how you can correct them to succeed with your fat loss workout.
Cardio only
For years we have had it drilled into us (and I was one of them) that the only way you will burn fat is to do cardio and lots of it. Cardio is fantastic for burning calories and that's what a fat loss workout is all about right? Yes, the aim of fat loss is to burn more calories than your body needs to maintain itself, however doing cardio alone has an adverse affect.
By solely focusing on cardio to burn fat you will start to use your muscles in a different way. Your body will start to lose its lean muscle mass which will in turn slow down your metabolism and that's the last thing you want to do. If you slow your metabolism you will make it harder to burn fat.
To optimize your ability to burn fat you will need to start lifting weights. This can be difficult for women to understand as they do not want to get bulky. The simplest way to answer that is that your muscles use more calories than fat so it makes sense to start lifting weights. Remember you are in control of how much muscle you gain.
This leads us to the next problem. Too many reps when lifting weights!
Once people realize they don't need to do six cardio sessions a week and move into the weights room, they still believe that doing more is better.
Every gym has someone like this (probably more than one), the person who will do 15-20 reps and more sets than is necessary. You can tell who they are by the fact that they never make any progress.
Because you are trying to lose weight you will be eating fewer calories for fuel, you also need to reduce the amount of exercise you do or again you will run the risk of losing muscle mass. Exercising less may go against everything you have ever been told. It took me a long time to get my head around it but if you are over doing it your body will stop burning fat and you will plateau. So when lifting weights think of it the same as we do cardio and don't overdo it. Lift with intensity in mind not volume.
Create a balance between weights and cardio and you will have far more success at losing weight. Limit your time in the gym. Give yourself no more than 40 minutes to finish your workout, if you don't finish in that time then you know you are either doing too much or you are not working with enough intensity.
One final tip when you lift weights don't reduce the weight you are lifting, just because you are trying to lose weight doesn't mean you lift lighter weights.
So are you making any of these mistakes? If you are remember cardio alone is not enough to help you reach your goals. Add in a bit of weight training and lift the intensity, train with a purpose and that purpose is to burn fat.

The Fastest Weight Loss Workouts

The trouble with long weekends is that you often return to work busier than ever. Work has piled up over that extra day - possibly from international orders or from work colleagues and business contacts that just don't seem to take time off.
So you get back in the office and your inbox is flooded, your to-do list is longer than your grocery shopping list, and your phone displays 10 new messages.
Say good-bye to your workout time? No way.
The truth about exercise is that it is a lot more efficient than most people think. The truth is you don't have to be in the gym for 90, 60, or even 45 minutes per day to get results. The truth is that you can choose just two exercises and train your entire body.
The trick is to choose the right two exercises.
In this situation, the old saying that "80% of your results comes from 20% of your efforts" is quite close to the truth. That's why if you have any of the strength and interval manuals, you'll get the majority of your results simply from the first superset of the workout. (But never skip a proper warm-up.)
Here's a partial list of an almost endless number of effective two exercise workouts. Complete them in superset fashion and you can be done your strength training workout in minutes...saving you valuable time you need to be spending at work or with your family.
1) Bodyweight option #1:
Pushup (any variation)
2) Bodyweight option #2
Bulgarian Split Squat
3) DB option #1:
DB Romanian Deadlift
DB Chest Press
4) DB option #2 (this is an incredibly tough superset):
DB Split Squat with Front Foot Elevated 6-inches
DB Row
5) DB option Upper Body only
DB Incline Press
DB Row
6) Barbell option #1
Bentover Row
7) Barbell option #2
Romanian Deadlift
Bench Press
The two exercises in any of these supersets will work better and faster than a 10-machine circuit at any fitness center. Plus, you'll build twice the body of someone that decides to use a shortened workout to "just do abs" or a "quick cardio session". High-rep ab work and short, slow cardio won't help you change your body.
High-intensity, efficient, multi-muscle movements that put your body in turbulence are the only way to go.

Is Cardio Aerobic Exercises Good for Fat Loss?

There is really no question that cardio exercise is good for fat loss, as any movement of the body that causes a rise in heart rate will contribute to fat loss. Where things get confusing is those sold on aerobic exercises talk as though it's the panacea for fat loss, and others counter that cardio exercise has its shortcomings, and therefore is not helpful at all. The truth is, both arguments have some truth, but don't buy into either argument. Aerobic exercises are very beneficial for fat loss, but alone may be of limited benefit.
So how does cardio exercise contribute to fat loss? First, let us break down cardio exercises into their basic categories, and see what each does for fat loss. When we use the term "aerobic exercises", it literally means "with air", and would include those where there is a constant flow of oxygen going to the muscle. These exercises would include bike riding, walking or running. Anaerobic means without air and during one part of the exercise the muscle would function without air. Sprinting and weightlifting would be examples of these exercises. Cardiovascular means exercising the heart, and although there may be a variation of intensity, with cardio being more intense, they are pretty much the same as aerobic exercises.
The best cardio exercise for fat loss is the higher intensity kind that is for shorter duration. Depending on the individual, three to four times a week with thirty minute sessions is probably optimum. Why we recommend more intense cardio exercise is because it has some fat loss benefit when you are finished with your workout, as higher metabolism will be maintained for a period of time later. This is not to say there is not a place for low intensity workouts. We always recommend diversity in your workouts, and longer more methodical training exercises can help build endurance. But for our discussion here on cardio exercise and its contribution to fat loss, shorter high intensity aerobic exercises are much better.
Another important factor in cardio exercise is to be sure to keep it short in duration. The objective is to keep a high level of intensity, and of course depending on the individual it will be impossible to keep an adequate level of intensity if the workout lasts to long. If you know the workout will only last twenty to thirty minutes, it will be easier to push through harder than if you had a one hour workout, where it would only be natural to pace yourself. For proper fat loss, the idea definitely is quality over quantity.
As with any of the high intensive aerobic exercises, a person must be sensible in any program they are attempting to take on. If this is your first go at exercising in awhile, get a physical from your doctor, and let him know what you are planning to do. Have a plan going in, preferably with advice from a trainer that will devise a program fit for you. If you are 60 years old and getting back into exercising, which is fantastic, don't attempt a program designed for a 30 year old. Also, remember you are never too old to start. There have been cases of people starting exercise programs in their 80's and have virtually rolled back the years. No matter what age you start, you should be commended on not accepting your age as a barrier. Just be sensible about it.

Fast Fat Loss Workout

Today was a crazy day.
I had non-stop appointments for 8 hours straight, including a couple deep tissue massages.
Needless to say that when I finally sat down I was spent. That's OK, because I love what I do for a living.
I get to wear comfortable clothes, I own a private studio, which means nobody is around to bug me or my clients. No weirdos lurking around the gym, no inconsiderate people leaving sweat pools on benches and the music is good.
Anyway, after my day I didn't really want to workout. I could have believed the excuse I was giving myself "I worked hard all day training clients and giving a couple deep tissue massages, I don't need to workout".
It's true, I probably could've gotten by taking a day off. The only problem is that believing that excuse begins a cycle...and a bad cycle.
Where does it stop?
Pretty soon I'll be telling myself that I don't have time to workout.
That's not true. I've been telling you that for months, possibly years. That's not a viable excuse.
So I bucked up and did the following workout. You can do it too if you have the equipment in your home gym.
Warm-up 3 sets:
Hatchets - 15 reps
Push-ups - 15 reps
I had a little over 8 minutes left in my 10 minute workout after the warm-up and did as many sets as possible of the following:
Chin-up - 10 reps
Dips - 10 reps
I only rested 15-20 seconds after the dips before returning to the chin-ups. I don't remember exactly how many sets I got in because I was breathing so hard and was in kind of a daze from all those chin-ups.
Needless to say, this fast 10 minute workout was a killer!

Burpees For Fat Loss - Fat Loss Workouts

Using burpees for fat loss is a great challenge and one that will deliver a very quick result.
In short a burpee is where you start standing, squat down, go into a pushup position, come back into the squat position and then back to standing. Sounds easy enough right?
Simple exercises lead themselves to challenging workouts however! Because the exercise is simple in nature, it is very safe to use for high repetitions, high intensity and high fatigue. That doesn't mean you can completely disregard your technique though, don't let your hips sag in the push up position and if your back, shoulders or knees start hurting drop it back a little.
Burpees For Fat Loss: Sample Workouts
Tabatas: Using this format is a fast and challenging way to workout. The 'tabata protocol' has you perform eight rounds of twenty seconds of maximum intensity with 10 seconds rest. So it will look like this; burpees for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds, repeat another seven times. Sounds easy enough right, give it a go and let me know what you think!
The key with using this format of training is that the 20 seconds of work has to be everything you've got. You won't get the same fat burning results if you cruise through the work period. By the end of this four minutes you should be spent!
100 Rep Challenge: Once again, simple in design but you need to be careful of any workout that involves the word 'challenge'!! As you might have guessed you will be doing 100 repetitions of burpees for time. 100 burpees in 10 minutes is OK, 5 minutes is good and anything less is fantastic. If you are knocking these out in quick time, try some of the harder burpee variations.
Ladders: As with a regular ladder, you can either climb up or climb down. This works well pairing the burpee with another exercise such as shadow boxing for time, or just with a rest in between 'sets'. Going up the ladder will look like this: 1 burpee followed by 10 seconds rest or shadow boxing, 2 burpees rest or shadow box, 3 burpees etc. Coming down the ladder you will start at 10, 15 or 20 burpees and work your way back down to 1. One up to 10 (or 10 down to one) will give you 55 repetitions in total and is a great number to start with.
The best way to add burpees for fat loss into your workout routine is to do them as a finisher after your regular weight session, or you can do them on a separate day for extra conditioning. Pick one of the methods above and use it for a couple of weeks and try to add repetitions (tabatas or ladders), decrease your times (100 rep challenge, ladder) or increase the difficulty of the burpee variation! All in all they will be a great addition to your fat loss workouts and also boost your fitness quicker than most traditional methods.

The Best Fat Loss Exercises For Women

Ladies, in this article you will discover some of the best fat loss exercises for women. But if you want to lose fat and even get a flat belly it is time to cut out the crap. I am not going to tell you to do the exercises you will like. Perhaps the exercises may look a little bit different. And to be honest it wouldn't surprise me if you end up in sweat after doing them. That is a good sign because the traditional fat burning exercises for women do look very easy, in fact they are but their intensity is far from high enough. There is a saying in life that is definitely true when it comes to fat burning. To get different results you will have to do things different. If you are a lazy person then this article is not for you, if you are motivated but are looking for some additional help then you will enjoy and benefit from this article.
High Intensity Interval Training One of the best fat burning exercises for women is HIIT or high intensity interval training. HIIT training is ten times more powerful then low intensity cardio training. With low intensity cardio training I mean jogging, walking, treadmill exercises and soon. HIIT workouts are performed at such a high level of intensity that your body will spend the rest of the day expending energy to recover. Yes you will definitely end up in sweat and maybe tears if you do this for the first time. Getting out of your comfort zone is the key to lose fat fast.
Weight training to get super lean One of the best exercises to lose fat fast for women is weight training. Most women unless they are bodybuilding don't do weight lifting exercises to get super lean. This is a very if not the hugest mistake you can make. Most women who are following a traditional diet lose muscle weight and that is a crucial reason why conventional diets don't work. Do not be afraid you will end up like a female bodybuilder this will not happen. In contradiction to cardio exercises weight training does not burn fat during the workout, during a weight lifting workout your body burns sugar. But after the weight lifting workout your body acts up like a non stop fat burning workout. No I'm not going to lie to you training with dumbbells once a week won't do the work. You should implement weight training in your daily lifestyle. To lose fat fast follow a weight training workout at least 3 or 5 times per week.
So the best fat loss exercises for women are not the ones discussed in magazines orthe exercises you like the most but the exercises that are high in intensity.
Ladies get a real system to lose belly fat fast.
Get access to the same insider nutrition and exercise that teach you
- how to get super lean.
- how to get rid of belly fat.
- how to gain your self confidience again.
And we are not talking about diets or miracle exercises here because they are doomed to fail
It is time that you know the truth about your body.

How to Maximize Your Fat Loss Workout for Extreme Success

Finding balance is never easy in your workout routine. It is vital to create something for yourself that is fun and challenging. Without these stipulations, you'll find yourself off of your diet, unfocused, and not working out to the fullest potential. Are you ready to change your life and create the best fat loss workouts possible?
If so, this is the time. Change your body and how you feel when you look in the mirror each day. As a fitness and fat loss expert, I have tons of tips and knowledge on how to create the best workouts for your body and your weight loss goals.
Interval training - Incorporating interval training into your cardio routine is a great way to quickly raise your heart rate and lose fat. Use running outdoors, a treadmill, elliptical, bike, or any other cardio machine. Start by warming up for three minutes on the machine jogging or bicycling medium impact. Then proceed for approximately a half hour - run hard for a full minute, then walk for a minute eleven times. Afterwards, do a three minute cool down much like the warm up. This may sound basic or simple, but you will soon find that it is quite difficult.
Kettle bell - Integrating the kettle bell into your workout is a great way to use your body's own weight to do weight training. It's possible to use kettle bells in multiple ways. The basic kettle bell lift is as follows: hold the kettle bell with both hands between your legs and lift it into the air. Keep your legs bent. Pop your legs up as you lift the kettle bell. This is great in the fat loss workout.
Stretching - Before starting a fat loss workout, it is vital that you stretch. This allows the blood flow to reach all parts of the body. In order to stay healthy and not be sore the day after your workout, you should definitely stretch. It's great to roll your muscles on a round tube, use a band to extend your legs into the air, and do various squats.
Squats - Executing squats is a fantastic way to strengthen the legs and thighs. Squats can be done many ways - a parallel squat down the middle, right and left sided squats together or separately. It's also possible to utilize weights to give yourself more opposition. Ideally, do thirty opposing squats with two fifteen pound weights each time in a five group set.
Push-ups - Push-ups can be done in many ways. They are great for streamlining the arms and back. It's a great way to prepare your body for a big event or a great outfit. There are numerous great ways to execute a pushup set. There is the traditional pushup, done on the floor in a set for 40 seconds straight. You can also do pushups off of a yoga ball. Put your legs and thighs up on the ball with your hands on the floor face down. Then push up.
Fat loss workouts are a great way to kick off your weight loss efforts!

Dynamite Fat Loss Workouts, Arousing Muscle Fiber And The Missing Key To Extreme Results

Here's the thing.
Most fat loss workouts absolutely do not get results. I will show you the ones that do.
Right here. Right now. You could begin as soon as you're done reading this article and be seeing results within 72 hours flat.
That would give you time to do these workouts 3 times.
Dose that surprise you? It shouldn't.
It shouldn't surprise you that your friends don't get any results at the gym. It shouldn't surprise you that no matter how much you sweat you never lose fat.
It's kinda like walking in a straight line with a brick wall touching your nose. You can walk and strain and press and press, but it makes no difference. No amount of hard work is going to move you further ahead.
Kinda like the way most people go about making money. (That's a rant for a different article)
So listen up my flabby friend, the best type of fat loss workouts are NOT nor ever will be "the norm". It's never going to be walking, jogging or running on your basement treadmill.
It's never going to be hiking.
It's never going to be taking a few trips around the block with the dog dragging you the whole way.
These are the "norm".
These do not arouse muscle fiber. They do not stimulate the very core matter which burns fat.
The best fat loss workouts are and will always be those which stimulate muscle growth. Here's a few examples to chew on...
- Dumbell exercises
- Doing push ups
- Squatting (This is a biggie!)
- Step ups.
- Basically, anything that makes you exert effort to move weight. Anything that stimulates muscle.
Muscle burns fat. Period. It eats it. It only makes sense that if you arouse this living tissue and force it to work (to grow) that its appetite will increase.
That my friends, is bad news for that excess lard roll you have hanging in the breeze below your belly button.
Just food for thought.
P.S. Want some specific examples of these best fat loss workouts?

Want Fast Fat Loss? Workout Faster, Interval Training Is The Key

For years the common wisdom has been to get in shape and lose weight you have to trudge along hours doing countless miles of jogging, cycling etc. Long, slow, steady were the catchwords of how to do your "cardio". Now a growing body of evidence indicates this approach may even be counter productive both for weight loss and cardio wellness. More and more studies are being conducted challenging the notion of "long and slow" workouts as being the best way to lose the fat and ensure a healthy cardio vascular system.
Indeed various scientific studies show that interval training provides much more benefits in much less overall time spent in the gym.
Previously relegated to the realm of second class exercises, intervals and wind sprints are coming into the forefront on the quest for the most efficient workout. People are pressed for time and the need for a fast, effective workout has driven the research, the findings so far have been eye-opening.
In Japan, Doctor Izumi Tabata of National Sport and Fitness Institute, Tokyo, Japan in 1996 conducted tests to evaluate the effects of interval training versus those of the traditional long, steady workout favored by so many. Dr. Tabata set up a test where he took collegiate athletes, elite cyclists, and separated them into two groups. Group one performed training sessions of up to forty-five minutes per session cycling at speeds that kept the participants heart rate up in their ideal target heart rate. Group two performed interval style training where they would first warm-up for four minutes cycling at moderate speed, then they would conduct intervals of all out sprinting for twenty seconds followed with a ten second rest period of slow cycling. This interval was repeated a total of eight times, twenty second sprint ten second rest fro an over all length of workout time of four minutes followed by a four minute cool down period of moderate paced cycling. After six weeks of this program the results were analyzed. It turns out the second group, which conducted the interval training, experienced greater improvement in their cardio-vascular performance. Also the interval group burned fat at a much higher rate than the participants in the first group. The interval group experienced a raised metabolic rate for up to forty-eight hours after their workouts so the fat burning continued long after the workout. The study's sponsors concluded that the interval training methods, now known as the "Tabata Protocols" were far superior in improving the cardio-vascular condition than the long, steady, moderate paced workouts that are currently popular.
It should be pointed out that this study's participants were all young elite, supremely conditioned athletes. It is not advisable for anyone to just jump into a strict regimen of rigorous training, interval or otherwise without prior approval from your doctor. Interval training should be worked into slowly, gradually working your way from the long, slow moderate style of cardio workouts until you can perform the interval workouts safely.
Beyond this study there are other indicators that the interval or sprinting type workout provides the benefits that most of us seek. We workout for heart health, strength and improved figures. If you take a look at athletes from different events you'll see the physiques of the long distance runner compared to the typical sprinter and notice a huge difference. Whereas the typical long distance runner has a thin almost emaciated shape, the sprinter is more often than not closer to the ideal shape, a lean well-muscled individual that exudes an image of robust health. The comparison goes for the inside as well. The long slow moderate workout trains our hearts to pump more efficiently but does not build up what is known as cardiac reserve, whereas the sprint or interval training which places sudden loads on the cardio vascular system increases the hearts reserve capacity. This cardio-reserve makes our hearts more capable of handling sudden, intense, unexpected stress, which provides real world benefits as well.
Last but not least in the list of benefits of interval training versus the long, steady moderate method is the fact that we are in and out of the gym quickly, making the workouts much easier to fit into our day. As our schedules fill up with appointments and chores and the like, workouts are often the first things to be dropped. A fast workout time prevents boredom and encourages us to keep it up. All in all the interval training regimen has a lot going for it fast, efficient and effective. Just what is needed in today's world to give us the workouts we need to get back into and stay in the best shape of our lives.

The Perfect Workout - Fat Loss Work Out Program

We are always looking for perfection. The perfect car. The perfect partner. The perfect job. The perfect house, the list goes on. A lot of people will spend all their time searching instead of taking action. I know this from first hand experience. Searching for that piece of gold only to find it an keep looking for some other bright shiny object.
The same goes for any fat burning workout, weight loss workout or trying to lose belly fat. There are lots of great workouts around, but none of them will do a thing if all you do is read and analyse them.
You have to take action. Put something into action. Anything.
A crappy program performed 3 times a week will give you better results than the perfect program done zero times a week. The fact that you are habit forming will get you further as well.
Just as you have goals with your body, you should have some matching goal with your training. A consistent effort will give you consistent results. Going hard with your training and diet for 3 weeks just to let it go for 3 weeks will have you in a spin cycle of mediocrity.
Aim for at least two solid sessions per week. If you aren't getting the two sessions consistently there is no point having a 5 day program. If you are getting the two sessions a week, aim for 3-4. If you can do this for 4 weeks then you know you are developing a solid habit. Now you can have a closer look at what you are doing in the gym and make improvements there.
After a month or so it will be time to change up what you are doing for your workouts. There are a number of reasons for this. Probably the biggest reason, yet also the most overlooked, is the boredom factor. If you are getting bored and lazy with any program your results, or lack of, will be evident.
The other reasons include:
  • Change of goal
  • Injury
  • Change of circumstances (work times/availability to gym etc)
  • Reached a plateau
Any of these reasons are acceptable. You really want to be avoiding stagnation so that you can get the most out of every single workout.
Follow this formula (application, consistency, change) and you will be well on your way to getting that flat stomach or whatever your goal may be.
Now get out there and do it.
Want a Proven Strategy to Losing Weight Really Fast? Don't Follow the Mainstream!

Fat Loss Workout - Sculpt Your Body In 3 Easy Workouts

If you are looking to sculpt your body and build lean muscle and lose fat, you can with this fat loss workout. Sculpt your body into the shape you dream about IN ONLY 3 WORKOUTS. Learn some powerful body building techniques and you too can get the shape of a model and bodybuilder. Sculpting and fat loss will occur doing these techniques in just 3 workouts.
There are many different techniques and ideas when you need to build lean muscle, some are effective and some are not. The key is to understand basic fundamentals wherein you can put together routines and programs to build muscle mass quickly and easily as possible. To begin, invest in a basic set of dumbbells ranging from 3-15 lbs. Your arms will need less weight than your chest and back.
It's important that you use a training program that is designed to help you gain weight and build muscle. Work your upper and lower body to make sure your body is in balance. When training your upper body with weights, you want to work ALL of your muscles including your chest, back, shoulders and arms. When you can, train your larger muscles (chest and back) first. These muscle groups can handle heavier weight and you want to be strong enough to lift heavier weights.
Tip 1 - Make sure to warm up your muscles for 5 minutes doing 2 sets of light weight then with a heavier weight.
If you have not been achieving the sculpted body you want, there may be problems with the weight training routines and possibly you are overtraining long hours on isolated machines. You need to increase weight and change the routines to free weights and increase your intensity to shorter time periods.
Usually, most people in gyms work out on machines, this sort of isolation technique does not help in gaining enough lean muscle mass. Many people who are trying to build lean muscle are toiling away on these machines with little weights and not increasing their intensity. If you want to learn how to build lean muscle, remember, stay away from isolated machine exercises, avoid the isolation techniques from gym machines
Tip 2 - If you are not training for a marathon, then it is not necessary to go to the gym every day and do a fat loss workout for 1-2 hrs on different machines.
Choose a heavy enough weight so that you can ONLY complete the desired number of repetitions (6-8 for muscle building, 10-12 for muscle/endurance and 12-16 for endurance). Do the last few reps with intensity.
Change your reps and weight for each set of each exercise. Start light and end heavy or vice versa, since chaining the weight for each set will push you past your usual limits and engage all muscles.
Tip 3 - Start to bench press heavy weights (repetitions 12-16) when possible, build up slowly, use variety and stick with low reps.
The idea is to workout hard, heavy and infrequently on big, basic free weight exercises. Get enough rest and relaxation and then keep adding weight to your exercises when possible. Rest is important since lean muscle growth occurs at rest, not when you are working out. Remember, do not work your muscles every day. Returning to the gym or working out too soon won't build muscle, but make you tired and eventually you will get weaker.
Remember, working your back one day, chest the next, and legs the day after that may give your individual muscles some rest but this is definitely not how to build lean muscle. Working out every day for each muscle puts a systemic stress on your entire body, no matter what muscle groups you are working.

Fat Loss Workout Routines

This article tries to describe how to setup a good plan and strategy for weight loss workouts.
There are different types of fat loss workout routines as follows:
a) Weight Training Exercise. It has been found that weight training is very effective to burn fat because it increases the body metabolism and in this way burns more body fat.
There are different approaches to weight training as follows:
  • 1) Bodysculpting is the name given to the training workouts which have the purpose to cause the loss of body fat and some strengthening of the muscles. The main objective is to achieve balanced leaned muscle.
  • 2) Bodybuilding is the name given to the training workouts which have the purpose to increase the body muscle mass together with a reduction of the body fat.
Generally the bodybuilding training is done with heavier weights and sometimes with less repetitions (8-15 instead of 15-25). The bodysculpting training is more gentle, with less weight and therefore there are less dangers of injury.
b) Cardiovascular exercise such as Aerobics. Aerobics training has not a strong impact on metabolism like weight training, but it is a good addition that accelerates the fat burning process. The Aerobics exercises such as step aerobics, bicycling, running, swimming and walking become effective for weight loss when:
  • 1) your pulse has become fast enough and reached the fat burning zone, i.e. the number of pulse beats found when there is an high level of fat burning. According to some studies, the optimal level is found when the hearth rate is about 60% to 65% of the maximum hearth rate. This means that you lose more fat when you exercise at a lower intensity than your maximum.
  • 2) they are done either in the morning on an empty stomach or right after weight training exercises. In the morning you burn much more fat than at other times because the body does not have any glycogen to burn. When you do the aerobics exercise after the weight training exercise you should easily reach the fat burning zone.
If your main objective is the the loss of body fat you can organize your training workout as follows:
a) Do your bodysculpting weight training exercise at least 2-3 times per week and choose some exercises which affect important muscles (e.g. bench press, bar military press and squats) The training workout routines should last between half an hour and 1 hour. Moreover the rest between exercises should not be long (less than 2 minutes) to keep the stimulation of the cordiovascular and hormonal systems.
b) Add some aerobic exercise preferably in the morning or after the weight training workout at least 3 times per week.
c) try to keep your fat loss workout routines varied to avoid boredom and lack of enthusiasm. Some author suggest to have different workouts in different days such as chest and triceps on Monday, Abs and Cardio on Tuesday, Back and Biceps on Wednesday, Abs and Cardio on Thursday, Legs and Shoulders on Friday.
Max Peace is a Computer Consultant who has become very interested also in natural health matters.
He believes that many common illnesses and health problems can often be healed in a safer and better way by using natural health and better lifestyle methods.

Your Weight Loss Workout Program

Weight loss is not easy as can be gathered from the ongoing obesity epidemic in many parts of the world. Dieting calls for self-control, and any weight loss workout program will take both time and effort to implement. Any attempt to lose weight will require sacrifice on the part of the person who wants to get healthy and increase their self-esteem. Trying to defeat obesity naturally (meaning with no artificial chemicals or medical procedures) makes the whole task that much more difficult. Losing weight naturally means that dieters have to forgo many of the easier fixes available and just get down to putting in a lot of hard work and effort if they want to see lasting results.
Your Weight Loss Diet
There are several very popular and fashionable diets that claim to help people lose weight fast. Many of these, like the Atkins and Scarsdale diets, are controversial. Both claim to send dieters into the state of burning fat instead of carbohydrates (also called ketosis) more quickly than other nutritional plans. Critics claim that the calorie counts are too low and the menus are not balanced enough to be nutritional and healthy. While the Atkins and Scarsdale diets are perfectly natural, they also require a lot of discipline as well as time for the body to adjust to the new way of eating. This is not always convenient for people who have jobs, families, and other responsibilities. A healthy diet should manage to limit a person's intake of calories without cutting nutrients to unhealthy levels.
In those cases where people require a little assistance there are herbal appetite suppressants like hoodia that may help some people stick to their diet. Hoodia is a plant that grows in the Namibian desert that has been widely used in herbal medicine. Green tea is also believed to have appetite-suppressing qualities.
Your Weight Loss Workout Program
Any healthy, doctor-approved weight loss workout program is going to incorporate both diet and exercise. Not only is the combination healthier, it speeds up the process of losing weight exponentially. Exercise boosts weight loss by burning fuel stored as fat or that would eventually be stored as fat on the body. Diet and exercise together will have a major effect on a person's overall health, but exercise most of all. It is good for cardiovascular health, strength-training, and makes the body look good. There are newer, trendy prepackaged weight loss workout programs like P90x and Tae-bo but for those who prefer older, traditional ways of doing it there are simpler options like walking, cycling or jogging.
The bottom line is that if you want to lose weight naturally, you need to incorporate some sort of weight loss workout program into your everyday life. This will allow you to burn more calories and increase your overall level of health exponentially.

Extreme Fat Loss Workout to Get Ripped Quick

The most excellent weight loss is without a doubt as a result of exercise and dieting
Nevertheless, workout is certainly an essential element of dropping weight. Research conducted recently opposed the impact of physical exercise against diet program only in fat loss. Even though the two communities (the people who are just dieting and those who exercise) able to lose some weight, just the exercisers preserved their power as well as muscular body and elevated cardiovascular capability, when people who are dieting missing muscle mass, durability as well as cardiovascular capability. Most people that shed some pounds through going on a diet alone in fact end up getting extra fats compared to the time they were started due to this muscle mass reduction.
Within the previous couple of decades a lot of people assume that small intensity cardio exercise like range running is the ultimate way to reduce weight, and also that specifically for ladies, resistance exercise is inappropriate. Many people also frequently perform workout routines like inner/outer quad equipment or sit-ups, expecting that this will assist you cut their thighs and also trim their waistlines. Nothing of those methods is actually proper.
Fat reduction plan that actually works!
1. Developing a calorie deficit via constantly becoming extra energetic as well as eating properly/strategically. Preferably, accomplish this within a day-to-day, long-term time frame.
2. Standard strength training, preferably combination workouts, carried out at a stage which is difficult (for many typical individual, such as six to twelve reps for each set is a great common point to shoot for). This maintains lean muscle mass that could be missing together with excess fat.
3. Interval cardiovascular exercise: switching short intervals of extremely high intensity (such as sprints) using intervals of lower intensity (such as taking walks). A different way to accomplish this is recognized as the Tabata method: changing twenty seconds of intensive exercise (which includes conventional weights workouts like squats or pushups) having around 10 secs resting time. So long as the higher than average intensity intervals are high enough, you are able to utilize the idea to whatever you prefer: mountain or stairway runs, striking a punching sack, biking, bouncing rope, elliptical exercise machine, dumbbell or kettlebell workout, and so on.
4. In case you are a novice or perhaps getting started with plenty of excess fat, you are able to alternate normal average cardiovascular for intervals, however, you can continue to attempt the interval theory through exercising with a smaller stage. Consider anything such as going for walks as quickly as possible for thirty to sixty seconds, then replaced with moderate walking for thirty to sixty seconds.
5. Should you take pleasure in strength based cardio exercise such as range running or trekking, go ahead and undertake it! The main point is you perform anything you take pleasure in, and also what you would carry out regularly and often. Nonetheless, even for resistence sportsmen, integrating interval training workouts should help in acceleration as well as total work capacity.

Fast Weight Loss Exercises to Lose Weight Within 2-5 Days!

Here are 2 really fast weight loss exercises to lose weight in just a few days. You can forget about jogging and all that other typical cardio nonsense, these exercise are WAY BETTER.
Fast Weight Loss Exercises to Lose Weight
1. Quickest way to lose weight with exercise is to do hindu squats
Sounds like something hard? Nope, it's not hard at all. It's really simple. Do you know how to squat? If yeah, then all you do is squat... but do it as fast as you can and do it over a period of 5 minutes. No weights are needed. Just you and your body.
To get the most out of this exercise, try to do it non-stop. People who average 20+ squats a minute and over 100 squats in 5 minutes are the ones who get unbelievably fast fat loss results.
One tip... if you can't quite do 100 squats in 5 minutes, then build up to doing the whole 5 minutes by starting with doing fewer minutes but averaging at least 20 squats per minute. Slowly build up from there.
2. Jumping on a mini-trampoline 2 minutes at a time
This is a quick way to lose weight without even sweating. And the best part is you can do these during tv commercials since they last about 2 minutes. In fact, if you have a favorite 1 hour tv show, just watch that show and do this during all the commercials. You'll get in an easy 20 minutes of exercise that way.
These are 2 fast weight loss exercises to lose weight at a rate that is beyond anything you can do at a gym even though you never have to leave your home to do them.
If you're SICK and TIRED of getting the same old boring weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, jog, and blah blah blah", then...

Applicable Guidelines For Quicker Fat Loss Workout

Going to the gym in itself is not a surefire way to achieve quicker fat loss. Sure, your workouts may "feel" like you're moving towards your weight loss and toning goals, but what's really happening?
For most people, they simply aren't working hard enough or smart enough to gain any progress. Here are some general tips for successfully conquering efficient fat burning...
Just before getting into routine workouts you should evaluate which muscle groups are tight as well as those that require some stretching. The reason behind this is actually due to the fact that a tight muscle would endanger the manner of a workout as well as lead to over-use issues.
Proper stretching leads to better posture, lowered risk of injury and a more healthy, functional body type. It's often neglected, but I can assure you this is a big mistake that could cost you down the road.
At the time you workout you should exercise intensive, but wise. This implies exercising in your capacities but not trying to surpass them. That generally points to training with a weight which is overly heavy for yourself.
Too much weight or trying to crank out too many reps will lead to injury or burnout--neither of which are good. I encourage you to push the effort level as much as possible, but without trying to be something you're not.
Be sure to select the proper exercises that are in line with your fat loss and muscle toning goals. Too many people are simply spinning their wheels with inappropriate exercise selection. I recommend total body movements that cause a higher metabolic demand and therefore, warrant quicker weight loss.
Pre- and post-workout nutrition is also paramount. We've all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. This is hogwash. The most important meal of the day would have to be your post-workout snack, with the pre-workout snack coming in as a close second place (breakfast would be way back at number three in terms of overall importance).
Does this surprise you?
I'm sure it does, but the reasoning behind it is quite sound. You see, workouts need to be fueled appropriately for optimal performance during times of intense training. Even more, post-workout nutrition is critical to your recovery process.
I recommend taking in a carb:protein shake in a ratio of 1:1 if your goal is weight loss; a 2:1 ratio if your goal is building lean muscle; and a 0.5:1 ratio if it's extreme fat loss.
The fast acting carbs help to spike insulin, which shuttles the much needed protein into your starving muscles, thus delaying muscle catabolism and promoting muscle anabolism (that's geek terminology for saying it'll help prevent muscle loss and make sure you go straight into muscle building mode).
Remember, even for those who only want to lose weight, the most important factor in how tight and sculpted your body looks post-weight loss is the amount of lean muscle you have underneath the excess fat. Failure to select the right exercises, workout at a proper intensity and consume adequate pre- and post-workout nutrition will be detrimental to your fat loss efforts.

Extreme Fat Loss Workout - No Dumbbells Necessary

What if I told you that you don't need a gym membership to do an extreme fat loss workout. You don't even need dumbbells. There are a number of intensive bodyweight exercises that you can use to create your own intensive fat burning workout at home. In this article I'll share with you some of these exercises and how I use them to create my own home workout for extreme fat burning. By the way, this takes minutes to do so check it out...
1. Start with a short warm up to get your muscles into the flow and bump your heart rate up a bit. Warming up is extremely important so don't try to save time by not doing it. This is very important for your health.
2. You can start the actual workout with some squats and jumps. Go into a squat and really feel those thighs straining. Rise from the squat and jump up while bringing your hands above your head to complete the motion. Make sure to wear good shoes for this exercise.
3. Move onto mountain climbers - This is an excellent exercise that combines cardio and strength. Go into a push-up position. Bring one leg forward and place that foot on the floor closer to your hands so that it would appear as if you're climbing the floor. Begin switching legs quickly by straightening your bent leg and bringing the other one forward in its place. Pretty soon, you'll feel how tough this workout can be. I doubt you can keep this up if you go for more than a minute or two. By the time that you finish this, you should feel like you've already done a workout.
4. Turn your body so that you're facing the ceiling and supporting yourself on your hands and feet with your buttocks and back in the air. Make sure your feet are planted strongly on the ground. Kick out with one leg high by straightening it up and lowering your butt a bit toward the floor (without letting it touch the floor). Lower that foot back and repeat with the other one. This is an awesome abs exercise that you can easily do at home. Try to do as many as you can but don't feel bad if you can't do a lot. It's really hard.
5. Finish off this workout with a cool down by doing full body stretching. Ease the tension out of your muscles and congratulate yourself on doing an awesome workout.

7 Day Fat Loss Workout Program

Here's a 7 day workout program to help you burn fat and gain muscle. You will do fat burning exercises in short workouts to get maximum results in minimum time.
You should be taking time to plan and prepare your fitness and fat loss nutrition and exercise program for the rest of the week. But if you haven't, here is a 7 day workout program to help you burn fat.
You should also be on your way out to the grocery store to shop and prepare for your meals for the next 7 days, and planning your next 7 days of fitness according to these guidelines.
Do a strength and interval cardio workout, of course.
Do a bodyweight warmup to start.
Then superset a single leg exercise, like split squats, and dumbell chest presses. Do 3 sets of 8.
Then superset stability ball leg curls with dumbell rows. Do 3 sets of 12.
Finish the workout with interval cardio. It only takes 20 minutes to burn fat.
Get 30 minutes of enjoyable exercise. It could be traditional cardio, running errands, housework, manual labor, or your favorite sport. Just make sure to be active everyday. Finish your activity with some sort of relaxation techniques. It could be deep breathing, some easy yoga postures, or some visualization methods. Whatever you do, give yourself a few extra minutes to relax and remove the stress of your workday.
Do another strength and interval cardio workout - very similar to Monday's workout. Sandwich your workout between two high-protein snacks to give your muscles the nutrients they need to recover and re-build.
30 minutes of activity. Review your vegetable intake. You should be getting at least 5 servings per day, but try to get up to 8 or even 10 servings per day. Focus on leafy, green vegetables.
Your final workout of the week.
Bodyweight training is hot right now, and it's quickly becoming the (busy) people's choice as the training method to help them get the lean, sleek, sexy physique that they've always wanted. Plus, at this time of the year, you'll probably want to spend less and less time in the gym, and more time outdoors.
So do only bodyweight exercises today.
Start with a superset of bulgarian split squats and chinups.
The second superset can be pushups and forward lunges.
If you want, for fun, do some biceps and triceps exercises to finish off.
Then do interval cardio for 20 minutes.
30 minutes of activity. Connect with your social support group. And call another friend and invite them to get commited to losing fat and improving their health. Help them out and compare solutions to the obstacles that prevent you from eating properly or exercising.
30 minutes of activity followed by your weekly plan, shop, and prepare routine. Review your nutrition and make sure that you are keeping all sources of trans-fats out of your diet. Get rid of all the snack foods that contain trans-fats and other ingredients that you can't pronounce. Focus on fresh produce, and minimize the pre-packaged foods on your list.
Enjoy your strength and cardio intervals for the 7 day fat burning workout program.

Serious Fat Loss Workout Using The TRX Suspension System and Kettlebells

Getting an effective fat loss workout doesn't require tons of shiny equipment in a big gym setting. The folks who are getting the best workouts are smarter than the rest of the pack. These folks who have the edge on everyone else are getting in and working hard in minimal time using fitness equipment that is versatile, and transportable.
What are these pieces you ask?
The TRX suspension system is one tool that you can take anywhere and set up in minutes for a great fat loss workout. The excuses of no time or can't get to a gym are over. Another great tool is the kettlebell. The kettlebell provides flexibility in your training to involve all major muscle groups.
Here is a workout I came up with using these two pieces that will incinerate body fat at rapid rates. Using the super set method, a prime fat loss workout can be completed in 20 minutes or less anywhere.
Here it is:
:30 TRX Runners/Push Ups
:30 KB Swings
:30 TRX Reverse Lunges
:30 KB Clean Press
:30TRX Rows
:30 Ropes
Perform each exercise without rest in a circuit three times. The benefits of this TRX and kettlebell workout is the post exercise oxygen consumption, or EPOC. This occurence will have your body burning fat long after the workout is over. This type of workout should only be performed three times a week with rest in between days.
You can take these tools anywhere you go whether on vacation, business trips, you name it. So get burning fat with the TRX and Kettlebell workout I provided for you.

Fat Loss Exercises - High Intensity Cardio Exercises For Fat Loss

Although there is controversy amongst health and fitness experts about the best way to lose weight and what kind of fat loss exercises to do, there is one area where everyone is in agreement. To be effective, any weight loss plan must include burning more calories than have been eaten. Since there is no "one size fits all" approach, a quick search of the Internet will show thousands of different workouts and eating plans. The goal is to find one that you can consistently fit into your schedule and that works for you. This may mean trying a few different methods before finding the right fit.
It is not only calories that need to burn, but fat as well because if you just count calories and not fat calories, you may find you are burning muscle. For most people, their body's burn fat when exercising lasts at least one hour. If the exercise is cardio based, your body will pull from glycogen that is already stored for the first half hour. After that, it begins to burn the fat reserves. High intensity cardio exercises burn calories faster and raise your metabolic rate. This means that the fat burning may come faster. It is recommended that high intensity fat loss exercises are a shorter duration than slow, steady routines. Twenty to thirty minutes works best for most people, especially if they are just beginning.
These exercises burn lots of calories and boost your metabolism for the rest of the day. Try varying your high intensity workouts with some longer duration sessions at a lower intensity. This helps you to continue to burn fat rather than carbs and will not take a toll on your joints. To give yourself a chance to truly see the results, be consistent for six weeks and take before and after photos. Step aerobics is an effective way to burn fat and calories. A rigorous routine can burn up to 400 calories in 30 minutes. It targets legs, hips and glutes.
Another favorite among fat loss exercises is bicycling. It doesn't matter if it is a stationary bike inside the gym or your home or a ride through town. Depending on resistance levels and speed you can burn 300 to 500 calories in 30 minutes. Running, rowing and using an elliptical trainer are all great cardio exercises and help build endurance. The average burn is 300 calories in 30 minutes. For those who want to kick it up a notch, try high intensity interval training. Jumping rope is simple, does not require expensive equipment and is very effective. A total body workout can be achieved in less than 20 minutes and it enhances your performance in almost any sport.

Is A Kettlebell Fat Loss Workout Routine For You?

If you do standardized exercises routines and you frequently lose interest, why not check out kettlebell training? It's name could seem crazy, however these routines are wonderful. kettlebells themselves have existed for over a 100 years, but the use of them has really increased. Just what is a kettlebell you might ask? A kettlebell is similar to a bowling ball however with a unique handle. The fantastic thing about kettlebells and training with them is actually you don't need a lot of room to exercise with. For many the kettlebell has become  the single piece of equipment that is required for practically all their workout routines that they use to stay in excellent shape.
kettlebell workouts are also ideal for obtaining 6-pack abdominal muscles. While you're doing your exercises such as snatching, swinging, pulling, and curling using only 1 kettlebell, you will actually produce an off-balance in weight distribution.  What happens naturally is that one side of your physique is forced to maintain stability. When working with the kettlebell you should strive to maintain excellent form, making your stomach muscles, lower back. and your glutes contract.  This will develop a range of  muscles that will have ultimately power and strength.
When you are doing kettlebell workouts such as swinging and pulling exercises, that navigate around your axis, this leads to your own stomach muscles resisting rotation as well as resisting horizontal twisting. This particular movement helps to make your stomach muscles contract as well as brace at various angles.  Doing this resistance type training on your abs will quickly start to develop them as well and in time give them excellent definition.
It really is possible to do your kettlebell workouts in your own home without having to go to a gym. You will only need a bare minimum area for these particular exercises. To complete a full routine of movements with your kettlebell you merely need enough room to accommodate for the swinging so that you don't hit any items. You may perform the kettlebell exercises as physically intense as you desire. A great deal may be achieved within only devoting 20 minutes to a half an hour  for your kettlebell training. What also is so excellent regarding the kettlebell exercise sessions are that the physical movements can easily strengthen the whole body. The kettlebell routines are also known for substantially bringing up the heart rate.  You can actually end up with a cardio workout along with muscle building.
If you are looking for an excellent routine to follow this is where Craig Ballantyne enters the picture. He currently features a system known as TT Kettlebell Revolution. Exercise buffs around the country are talking about his unique routines for fat loss. His program demonstrates the way to burn excess body fat as well as enhance your energy using only 1 kettlebell. If you are like me, you do not want to join a gym membership or you do not want to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on exercise equipment knowing that it is possible and unfortunately likely that you may stop your exercise program in the near future.

A Super Simple Fat Loss Workout

If you are at the point where you are ready to get back in shape, you should be congratulated! Taking control of your health and your lifestyle is a very important decision, and one of the best you can make. If losing fat is your goal, then you need a fat loss workout that is going to work, work fast, and challenge you continuously.
You also need this workout to be simple enough so that you can do it pretty much anywhere, whether you plan to go to a gym, or workout at home. Well, believe it or not, this is absolutely possible.
First, understand something about fat loss. You absolutely need to burn calories. You need to get your metabolism going through the roof so that you continue to burn calories while you are at rest. This fat loss workout will absolutely do that for you because we are going to do a series of exercises with limited rest in between each one. This is going to keep your heart rate up, get your blood pumping, and ignite a metabolic response.
Here are the exercises: Push ups, Chin Ups, Jump Squats, Lying Leg Raises, and Burpees. That's it. That's the whole circuit. What we are going to do is change the set and rep scheme each day that you perform the circuit so that your body is constantly being challenged. Here is how that will look:
Monday: Perform one set of each exercise to failure, resting 30 seconds before moving to the next exercise. Perform the whole circuit 5 times total.
Wednesday: Each exercise will be performed with no rest in between moving to the next. You start with one rep, do the next workout for one rep, and so on. When you have performed each exercise for one rep, start all over with the first exercise and do two. Repeat this process until you have done 10 reps of each exercise.
Friday: Sets, reps, and rest will be the same as Monday, but you will perform the circuit in reverse order. So, if you started with push ups on Monday, and ended with burpees, do the opposite.
A good fat loss workout shouldn't be complicated or overly flashy. Perform this workout as written for 30 days, and I promise you will be amazed at the results a simple workout can produce.

How to Choose the Best Fat Loss Workout Routine

Being in shape is immensely important to be at par with the fast moving world. Not only your qualification, your appearance also means a lot when you need to prove yourself, and get the best. Being overweight can greatly affect your confidence level, thus it is essential to quickly opt in for a fat loss workout routine, before it gets too late. It is very easy to choose the best fat loss workout routine; all you need to do is go in for the exercise that helps you reach your targeted heart range. You have to workout really hard so that your pulse rate gets increased, as this will aid in burning more of fat.
The exercises that helps reach the targeted heart range are the ones the increases your metabolism and thus burns fat. The fat loss workout routine will not only help you look good by promoting weight loss, but more than that, it will prevent you from falling prey to various health concerns. You surely know that overweight people are more liable to suffer from heart attacks. A seven-day fat loss workout routine can really work wonders for you. To begin with, on Monday you can do strength as well as cardio workout. Start with a bodyweight warm up, which can be followed by split squats and dumbbell chest process.
Next do superset stability ball leg curls along with dumbbell rows. Complete the workout with interval cardio. Tuesday's fat loss workout routine can include some enjoyable exercises, like running errands, traditional cardio or even your favorite sport. On Wednesday do some strength and interval cardio workout. In between the workout you can eat some high-protein snacks, so that your muscles get enough nutrients to rebuild and repair. On Thursday your fat loss workout routine should include 30 minutes activity.
At the same time, make sure that you are eating enough of green vegetables, if possible more than usual, in particular leafy green vegetables. On Friday do some bodyweight exercises, which can include Bulgarian split squats, pushups and some bicep and triceps exercises. On Saturday you could do a 30 minute activity and then invite your friends over, discuss your fat loss workout routine, and perhaps discuss the results that you are witnessing, which shall prevent you from eating food that would only help gain weight. On Sunday go in for a 30 minute activity and prepare your routine and shop for some healthy stuff to gorge in the following week.

Best Female Exercises For Weight Loss

Here are a few of the best female exercises for weight loss that you can do. They work for men also, but women seem to react better to these exercises. Read this now if you want to learn how you can REDUCE your exercise time but increase your WEIGHT LOSS results.
Female Exercises for Weight Loss
1. Combo walking on an inclined treadmill
What the heck is combo walking? Simple... you walk forwards for 1 minute and then you turn around and walk backwards for 1 minute. Keep alternating between them for a total of 20 minutes.
Your body isn't ready for this. The backwards walking confuses it. It's forced to react. It's reaction includes quicker weight loss. Why? Because your body adjusts to workouts really quick. If you keep doing the same workout over and over, your body pretty much laughs as you.
It's a cakewalk for it. It can do your workouts in it's sleep. It needs a challenge. Something different. Walking backwards is TOTALLY DIFFERENT. Another thing... walking backwards also keys in on different muscles in your legs as compared to normal forwards walking. Expect to be sore the next day. Don't make me beg you to do this... it's awesome.
Just try it once. Don't worry about what others think.
2. Jump-ups onto a bench
This is a great fast-paced cardio exercise in which you jump up onto a bench with both feet. Then you jump down. Do this as fast as possible for 1 minute non-stop. Do this for a total of 3 sets. Rest 45 seconds between sets. Do this twice a week.
This gets your heart going. It creates a nice oxygen deficit which acts as a catalyst for rapid fat loss.
I consider these 2 of the best female exercises for weight loss.

Basic Fat Loss Workout Template

This is a template for a basic fat loss workout - it walks you through a warm up, a full body strength and conditioning workout, a flexibility and mobility portion, and even exactly what to do for your cardio training.
Basic Strength Training Template
Warm Up - Choose 3 body weight exercises, do two sets of ten each:
• Body Weight Squats
• Run In Place
• Lunges
• Push Ups
• Jumping Jacks
• Planks
Combo 1 - Upper/Lower - Pick one upper body exercise from list and one lower body exercise from list. Alternate between exercises - rest 30 seconds between exercises and 60 seconds between combos.
Lower Body Two Leg Exercise
• Squat
• Deadlift
Upper Body Push
• Push Up or Push Up variation
• Dumbbell/Barbell Bench Press
• Dumbbell/Barbell Overhead Press
Combo 2 - Upper/Lower - Pick one upper body exercise from list and one lower body exercise from list. Alternate between exercises - rest 30 seconds between exercises and 60 seconds between combos.
Lower Body Single Leg Exercise
• Step Up
• Split Squat/ Lunge
Upper Body Pull
• Pull Up or Body Row
• Seated Row Machine
• Lat Pull Down
Combo 3 - Arms - Pick one bicep exercise and one tricep exercise from list. Alternate between exercises - rest 30 seconds between exercises and 60 seconds between combos.
• Dumbbell curls
• Barbell curls
• Lying barbell tricep extension
• Standing rope pushdown
Abs - Pick one exercise. Rest 30 seconds between sets.
• Planks
• Sit Ups
• Crunches
Stretch - Pick three static stretches for tight muscle groups. Hold each stretch for 30 seconds.
Sets and Reps
Simply alternate the sets and reps each workout - do 2-3 sets of 15-20 reps of each exercise in one workout, do 3-4 sets of 8-10 reps of each exercise the next, and alternate between these protocols.
Cardio Programming
You'll do a mix of both steady-state and interval cardio. One workout, you'll do 30 minutes of cardio at your estimated target heart rate - 220 - your age x.65 -.80. Make sure to change up the types of cardio you focus on. The next workout, you'll simply warm up for five minutes, then go hard for one song, go easy for the next, and continue with this pattern for 30 minutes. This is a basic interval workout. Do this routine 3-5 times per week.
Now you have a complete, done-for-you template in place for your basic fat loss and lean muscle gain needs. Try this workout from start to finish today to get going and get organized with your exercise plan!

Fat Loss Workout Tips

Hey everyone I want to talk to you about a few things I am very passionate about because of their real world experience. These tips have helped me personally, all my clients, and all my followers. Learn some of the truth behind fat loss workouts, why you need to do them and what you need to be doing. I can't exactly remember where I heard this quote so I am going to quote it as UNKNOWN or maybe I should say forgotten!
With all do respect it went something like this, "you can tell if your trainer knows anything by how many machines they put you on." Now for SOME machines are ok at best, but I believe anyone can use a machine, I believe they are boring, and I believe if you workout at a gym you will find yourself waiting to use one of them at some point! Put yourself in a situation where you can get a fat burning workout in while everyone else waits to get in on a machine and stands around confused on what the heck to do.
What you are about to hear is one of the five most crucial aspects of fat loss. We know you want to get rid of that loose fat so make sure you read on. You might already know that you need to do some resistance training to lose fat fast, but WHY do you REALLY need a structured and unique set of fat loss workouts and WHAT should you really be doing if you are looking for long term fat loss.
Check out some quick facts on the truth behind fast fat loss......
* A pound of lean muscle is almost half the size of a pound of fat, so your pant size, dress size, and shirt size will all shrink with lean muscle gain
* The right resistance training workouts build strong and long lasting lean muscle resulting in the ultimate in fat burning potential
* Your body will burn calories while repairing lean muscle that is constantly being activated and worked out in the right types of resistance training
Simply put, when you incorporate unique, crazy and weird workouts into your routine your body will build muscle and burn fat at all hours of the day. It would be kind of like you making money while not being at work, the right workouts are a serious investment in the fat burning potential of your body. if you don't keep your body guessing on what you are doing to it and let it get used to your routine you will experience what most call a "plateau" where your fat loss results actually will stop and even have the chance of backtracking results.
What forms of resistance training are best for fast fat loss all while keeping you happy because you won't have to compete with other people at the gym for boring and bogus machines that will not unlock your bodies true fat burning potential?
* The BEST form of resistance training is using your own body
* You have to carry your body around all day so create a strong bodily foundation that will not put any extra stress on your body that will stop fat loss
* If it really boiled down to it you could resistance train for maximum fat loss without a single piece of equipment
The fact of the matter is, this is how humans used to train to be fit until all the new "technology" came along that allowed us to sit on our butts to get in a "work out." We dare you next time you are working out to try not to sit on your butt once! Your body will allow you to train in all sorts of directions and planes of motion allowed for a strong, lean, and fit body that will be capable of burning the maximum amount of fat possible all while staying OFF machines. Body weight training for fat loss will greatly reduce the amount of lactic acid build up during a workout, which you will learn will aid in fat loss. Here are a few quick examples and even a routine or two for you to check out!
* Body weight squats (variations)
* Body weight lunges (variations)
* Push ups (variations)
* Pull ups (variations)
* Dips (variations)
Don't be silly and waste your time waiting for machines that won't burn the fat as fast as you want. We will also be showing ways for you to use your own body weight in workouts that will actually allow you to knock out a resistance training workout and cardiovascular workout all in one! Who wants to learn how to kill two birds with one stone? So easy a cave man could do it.
I really truly hope you gained something from this article. The face of fitness is changing rapidly and continuously and I personally would love to see every single gym get rid of any equipment that involved you sitting on your butt to work out.
Thank you for reading. I urge you to take action daily on your goals. There is no substitution for action. Don't leave yourself wondering what if. If you can't, you must, and if you must you will. Have a happy and healthy day and make good choices!

Your Weight Loss Workouts

These days, there is a ton of free fat loss information available on the internet. While some of this information is actually helpful and accurate, a lot of it is just not truthful. If you happen to hear people bragging about how they were able to lose a ton of weight fast, you need to make sure that their weight loss workouts are going to be effective for you before you try them out. Not every weight loss workout will be effective and appropriate for everybody. Some fat loss workouts will just not work for certain types of people. Take some time to consult with a doctor or personal trainer prior to implementing any new fat loss workout program.
There are a lot of people out there who are pushing 300lbs with a ton of fat around their thighs and mid sections. If this describes you take comfort in the fact that you can still get the body you want, but you do need to have a handle on your fat loss workouts in order to make this happen. A lot of people just give up before they even enter the gym, thinking that it's too late for them to see any real results. This is a bunch of baloney, regardless of your age, you can still lose bod fat and lose weight. Don't be one of those people who waits until everything is "just right" to actually start your fat loss workouts. The timing for anything in life is rarely perfect, you just need to get moving towards your goals.
Take some time to look over your weight loss diet before you even set foot in a gym. While your weight loss workouts are an important part of the weight loss process, your diet will actually have a much bigger impact on your overall level of body fat loss. You need to focus on eating a healthy and balanced low calorie diet if you want to keep the weight off for good. You should make sure that your total calorie intake for each day is less than your previously established maintenance level if you're serious about losing weight. Another thing that is critical to the weight loss process is limiting your intake of carbohydrates and increasing your intake of lean protein sources.
One of the most effective weight loss systems you can put to use is to simply mix a healthy and balanced diet with a set of weight loss workouts. This is a proven way to accelerate fat loss naturally, and it's my favorite strategy for melting off abdominal fat quickly. A great way to make your workouts a little more effective for fat loss is to simply combine weight training with aerobic exercise. This will allow you to burn more calories at each of your workouts in the same amount of time. It's a great way to turbo-charge your workouts for fat loss.
From a health perspective alone, you should get into the habit of combining cardio with weight training. This is the only real way to ensure that you are getting enough of each type of exercise. A lot of people are great about either performing aerobics or training with weights, but very few people are dedicated enough to combine them.
It's important to remember that aerobics or diet alone will not burn off body fat as effectively as effectively as a combination of the two styles will. If you can commit to combining aerobics with weight training, you will be able to strip off a lot of body fat very quickly.

Eat Up With an Effective Fat Loss Workout

An effective fat loss workout will allow the water weight of fat to be removed without drastically reducing food intake. The key factor to losing pounds of fat is to sweat. Fat is mostly water, and perspiration comes from the water contained in the fat of the body.
Someone who wishes to lose weight from fat in conjunction with a reduction in food intake, or even without reducing food intake, should plan to be more active and to sweat more. People that want to lose weight and fat must learn to enjoy sweating.
Water is a very heavy compound, and it provides an excellent way to lose weight. Water is the easiest thing to extract from the body. Anything that causes heavy perspiration will reduce fat buildup and retention, although there are some safety precautions that should be observed when planning a fat loss workout plan designed to induce heavy perspiration.
Dehydration is a serious and uncomfortable condition that should be guarded against while working out. By forcing the water from the fat cells of the body via perspiration, we create the need to replace some of that water. Once the body loses water by consuming fat cells, it will not regain all of that water immediately upon drinking it. The water ingested during a workout will go to replenish parts of the body other than fat cells. Much of it will be passed through the body during our trips to the bathroom.
A workout does not need to be strenuous to be effective at reducing weight created by fat; movement alone will cause sweating. The main purpose of perspiration is to cool the body, and an activity need only be strenuous enough to create a rise in body temperature to the point of perspiration to be effective.
If this idea is taken to the extreme, however, a dangerous situation could arise. It is important to maintain a safe body temperature. Along with dehydration, overheating the body is another dangerous situation that must be avoided. A fat loss workout should be terminated as soon as it creates discomfort and can be started again later after a cooling-off period.
A good fat loss workout plan can allow the enjoyment of many of your dining desires. It is not necessary to starve the weight off. Reducing food intake can be an effective way to lose weight, but it is possible to lose weight without reducing the amount of food taken in. Everything is relative, and if the amount of food consumed is great, then the amount of perspiration inducing activity must also be great.