
Dynamite Fat Loss Workouts, Arousing Muscle Fiber And The Missing Key To Extreme Results

Here's the thing.
Most fat loss workouts absolutely do not get results. I will show you the ones that do.
Right here. Right now. You could begin as soon as you're done reading this article and be seeing results within 72 hours flat.
That would give you time to do these workouts 3 times.
Dose that surprise you? It shouldn't.
It shouldn't surprise you that your friends don't get any results at the gym. It shouldn't surprise you that no matter how much you sweat you never lose fat.
It's kinda like walking in a straight line with a brick wall touching your nose. You can walk and strain and press and press, but it makes no difference. No amount of hard work is going to move you further ahead.
Kinda like the way most people go about making money. (That's a rant for a different article)
So listen up my flabby friend, the best type of fat loss workouts are NOT nor ever will be "the norm". It's never going to be walking, jogging or running on your basement treadmill.
It's never going to be hiking.
It's never going to be taking a few trips around the block with the dog dragging you the whole way.
These are the "norm".
These do not arouse muscle fiber. They do not stimulate the very core matter which burns fat.
The best fat loss workouts are and will always be those which stimulate muscle growth. Here's a few examples to chew on...
- Dumbell exercises
- Doing push ups
- Squatting (This is a biggie!)
- Step ups.
- Basically, anything that makes you exert effort to move weight. Anything that stimulates muscle.
Muscle burns fat. Period. It eats it. It only makes sense that if you arouse this living tissue and force it to work (to grow) that its appetite will increase.
That my friends, is bad news for that excess lard roll you have hanging in the breeze below your belly button.
Just food for thought.
P.S. Want some specific examples of these best fat loss workouts?


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