
Fat Loss Workout Tips

Hey everyone I want to talk to you about a few things I am very passionate about because of their real world experience. These tips have helped me personally, all my clients, and all my followers. Learn some of the truth behind fat loss workouts, why you need to do them and what you need to be doing. I can't exactly remember where I heard this quote so I am going to quote it as UNKNOWN or maybe I should say forgotten!
With all do respect it went something like this, "you can tell if your trainer knows anything by how many machines they put you on." Now for SOME machines are ok at best, but I believe anyone can use a machine, I believe they are boring, and I believe if you workout at a gym you will find yourself waiting to use one of them at some point! Put yourself in a situation where you can get a fat burning workout in while everyone else waits to get in on a machine and stands around confused on what the heck to do.
What you are about to hear is one of the five most crucial aspects of fat loss. We know you want to get rid of that loose fat so make sure you read on. You might already know that you need to do some resistance training to lose fat fast, but WHY do you REALLY need a structured and unique set of fat loss workouts and WHAT should you really be doing if you are looking for long term fat loss.
Check out some quick facts on the truth behind fast fat loss......
* A pound of lean muscle is almost half the size of a pound of fat, so your pant size, dress size, and shirt size will all shrink with lean muscle gain
* The right resistance training workouts build strong and long lasting lean muscle resulting in the ultimate in fat burning potential
* Your body will burn calories while repairing lean muscle that is constantly being activated and worked out in the right types of resistance training
Simply put, when you incorporate unique, crazy and weird workouts into your routine your body will build muscle and burn fat at all hours of the day. It would be kind of like you making money while not being at work, the right workouts are a serious investment in the fat burning potential of your body. if you don't keep your body guessing on what you are doing to it and let it get used to your routine you will experience what most call a "plateau" where your fat loss results actually will stop and even have the chance of backtracking results.
What forms of resistance training are best for fast fat loss all while keeping you happy because you won't have to compete with other people at the gym for boring and bogus machines that will not unlock your bodies true fat burning potential?
* The BEST form of resistance training is using your own body
* You have to carry your body around all day so create a strong bodily foundation that will not put any extra stress on your body that will stop fat loss
* If it really boiled down to it you could resistance train for maximum fat loss without a single piece of equipment
The fact of the matter is, this is how humans used to train to be fit until all the new "technology" came along that allowed us to sit on our butts to get in a "work out." We dare you next time you are working out to try not to sit on your butt once! Your body will allow you to train in all sorts of directions and planes of motion allowed for a strong, lean, and fit body that will be capable of burning the maximum amount of fat possible all while staying OFF machines. Body weight training for fat loss will greatly reduce the amount of lactic acid build up during a workout, which you will learn will aid in fat loss. Here are a few quick examples and even a routine or two for you to check out!
* Body weight squats (variations)
* Body weight lunges (variations)
* Push ups (variations)
* Pull ups (variations)
* Dips (variations)
Don't be silly and waste your time waiting for machines that won't burn the fat as fast as you want. We will also be showing ways for you to use your own body weight in workouts that will actually allow you to knock out a resistance training workout and cardiovascular workout all in one! Who wants to learn how to kill two birds with one stone? So easy a cave man could do it.
I really truly hope you gained something from this article. The face of fitness is changing rapidly and continuously and I personally would love to see every single gym get rid of any equipment that involved you sitting on your butt to work out.
Thank you for reading. I urge you to take action daily on your goals. There is no substitution for action. Don't leave yourself wondering what if. If you can't, you must, and if you must you will. Have a happy and healthy day and make good choices!


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