
Fat Loss Workout Routines

This article tries to describe how to setup a good plan and strategy for weight loss workouts.
There are different types of fat loss workout routines as follows:
a) Weight Training Exercise. It has been found that weight training is very effective to burn fat because it increases the body metabolism and in this way burns more body fat.
There are different approaches to weight training as follows:
  • 1) Bodysculpting is the name given to the training workouts which have the purpose to cause the loss of body fat and some strengthening of the muscles. The main objective is to achieve balanced leaned muscle.
  • 2) Bodybuilding is the name given to the training workouts which have the purpose to increase the body muscle mass together with a reduction of the body fat.
Generally the bodybuilding training is done with heavier weights and sometimes with less repetitions (8-15 instead of 15-25). The bodysculpting training is more gentle, with less weight and therefore there are less dangers of injury.
b) Cardiovascular exercise such as Aerobics. Aerobics training has not a strong impact on metabolism like weight training, but it is a good addition that accelerates the fat burning process. The Aerobics exercises such as step aerobics, bicycling, running, swimming and walking become effective for weight loss when:
  • 1) your pulse has become fast enough and reached the fat burning zone, i.e. the number of pulse beats found when there is an high level of fat burning. According to some studies, the optimal level is found when the hearth rate is about 60% to 65% of the maximum hearth rate. This means that you lose more fat when you exercise at a lower intensity than your maximum.
  • 2) they are done either in the morning on an empty stomach or right after weight training exercises. In the morning you burn much more fat than at other times because the body does not have any glycogen to burn. When you do the aerobics exercise after the weight training exercise you should easily reach the fat burning zone.
If your main objective is the the loss of body fat you can organize your training workout as follows:
a) Do your bodysculpting weight training exercise at least 2-3 times per week and choose some exercises which affect important muscles (e.g. bench press, bar military press and squats) The training workout routines should last between half an hour and 1 hour. Moreover the rest between exercises should not be long (less than 2 minutes) to keep the stimulation of the cordiovascular and hormonal systems.
b) Add some aerobic exercise preferably in the morning or after the weight training workout at least 3 times per week.
c) try to keep your fat loss workout routines varied to avoid boredom and lack of enthusiasm. Some author suggest to have different workouts in different days such as chest and triceps on Monday, Abs and Cardio on Tuesday, Back and Biceps on Wednesday, Abs and Cardio on Thursday, Legs and Shoulders on Friday.
Max Peace is a Computer Consultant who has become very interested also in natural health matters.
He believes that many common illnesses and health problems can often be healed in a safer and better way by using natural health and better lifestyle methods.


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