
Fast Fat Loss Workout

Today was a crazy day.
I had non-stop appointments for 8 hours straight, including a couple deep tissue massages.
Needless to say that when I finally sat down I was spent. That's OK, because I love what I do for a living.
I get to wear comfortable clothes, I own a private studio, which means nobody is around to bug me or my clients. No weirdos lurking around the gym, no inconsiderate people leaving sweat pools on benches and the music is good.
Anyway, after my day I didn't really want to workout. I could have believed the excuse I was giving myself "I worked hard all day training clients and giving a couple deep tissue massages, I don't need to workout".
It's true, I probably could've gotten by taking a day off. The only problem is that believing that excuse begins a cycle...and a bad cycle.
Where does it stop?
Pretty soon I'll be telling myself that I don't have time to workout.
That's not true. I've been telling you that for months, possibly years. That's not a viable excuse.
So I bucked up and did the following workout. You can do it too if you have the equipment in your home gym.
Warm-up 3 sets:
Hatchets - 15 reps
Push-ups - 15 reps
I had a little over 8 minutes left in my 10 minute workout after the warm-up and did as many sets as possible of the following:
Chin-up - 10 reps
Dips - 10 reps
I only rested 15-20 seconds after the dips before returning to the chin-ups. I don't remember exactly how many sets I got in because I was breathing so hard and was in kind of a daze from all those chin-ups.
Needless to say, this fast 10 minute workout was a killer!


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