
Fat Loss Workout - Sculpt Your Body In 3 Easy Workouts

If you are looking to sculpt your body and build lean muscle and lose fat, you can with this fat loss workout. Sculpt your body into the shape you dream about IN ONLY 3 WORKOUTS. Learn some powerful body building techniques and you too can get the shape of a model and bodybuilder. Sculpting and fat loss will occur doing these techniques in just 3 workouts.
There are many different techniques and ideas when you need to build lean muscle, some are effective and some are not. The key is to understand basic fundamentals wherein you can put together routines and programs to build muscle mass quickly and easily as possible. To begin, invest in a basic set of dumbbells ranging from 3-15 lbs. Your arms will need less weight than your chest and back.
It's important that you use a training program that is designed to help you gain weight and build muscle. Work your upper and lower body to make sure your body is in balance. When training your upper body with weights, you want to work ALL of your muscles including your chest, back, shoulders and arms. When you can, train your larger muscles (chest and back) first. These muscle groups can handle heavier weight and you want to be strong enough to lift heavier weights.
Tip 1 - Make sure to warm up your muscles for 5 minutes doing 2 sets of light weight then with a heavier weight.
If you have not been achieving the sculpted body you want, there may be problems with the weight training routines and possibly you are overtraining long hours on isolated machines. You need to increase weight and change the routines to free weights and increase your intensity to shorter time periods.
Usually, most people in gyms work out on machines, this sort of isolation technique does not help in gaining enough lean muscle mass. Many people who are trying to build lean muscle are toiling away on these machines with little weights and not increasing their intensity. If you want to learn how to build lean muscle, remember, stay away from isolated machine exercises, avoid the isolation techniques from gym machines
Tip 2 - If you are not training for a marathon, then it is not necessary to go to the gym every day and do a fat loss workout for 1-2 hrs on different machines.
Choose a heavy enough weight so that you can ONLY complete the desired number of repetitions (6-8 for muscle building, 10-12 for muscle/endurance and 12-16 for endurance). Do the last few reps with intensity.
Change your reps and weight for each set of each exercise. Start light and end heavy or vice versa, since chaining the weight for each set will push you past your usual limits and engage all muscles.
Tip 3 - Start to bench press heavy weights (repetitions 12-16) when possible, build up slowly, use variety and stick with low reps.
The idea is to workout hard, heavy and infrequently on big, basic free weight exercises. Get enough rest and relaxation and then keep adding weight to your exercises when possible. Rest is important since lean muscle growth occurs at rest, not when you are working out. Remember, do not work your muscles every day. Returning to the gym or working out too soon won't build muscle, but make you tired and eventually you will get weaker.
Remember, working your back one day, chest the next, and legs the day after that may give your individual muscles some rest but this is definitely not how to build lean muscle. Working out every day for each muscle puts a systemic stress on your entire body, no matter what muscle groups you are working.


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